Thursday, December 28, 2006

Mystery Science Theater Miracle

It seems that no sooner was I mourning the recall of the latest Mystery Science Theater 3000 DVD set than I was gifted with the exciting news that three members of the old gang are plotting to release a new bad, old movie -- with their witty and acerbic commentary, of course -- on DVD in April. Christmas certainly is a time to believe in miracles!

Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett and Kevin Murphy are calling themselves The Film Crew these days, and they're asking their devoted, and perhaps mildly maladjusted, fans to pick the movie from a pool of four. You can watch the first two minutes of each film -- with their cracks already inserted -- on the Film Crew site.

Despite the star power of the other three films -- which feature fan favs Steve Reeves and Peter Graves and even a young Rue McClannahan -- I had to vote for The Wild Women of Wongo. The title alone was reason enough, but add to that the opening narration from Mother Nature and … need I say more?

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